Mega Man 9

So nerdy me made a special trip into the city yesterday to get myself some wii points (credit cards are maxed out) so I can play Mega Man 9.
I've gotta say, I can't decide whether the hype is justified or not, the damn thing has my heart in a vice.

I've spent about 45 minutes on it in which I've beaten one level and died hundreds of times, and when you're winning, it's great (only because it happens so rarely), when you're losing, it's still great; and that's the beauty of the level design.

Of course the death appreciation can only last so long until you start wanting to throw your Wii-Mote through the TV, but then you win and the International Space Station wonder what that strage noise was as you shout at the top of your lungs in triumph!

When it's good, it's great, when it's bad, it's good and when it's horrible it's hellishly frustrating, for $15 I heartily reccomend it, just don't let yourself get obsessed or every death will be a shudder of agony.
